Saturday, January 03, 2009

10 out of 11 Doctors...

Yet another Doc Who post.

I just posted this over at Denton Rock City in response to a question regarding how I felt about the choice of Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor.


There's definitely some Peter Davidson + David Tennant action going on.">
Here's an interview .

You know I had reservations about both choices for the last two Doctors and they were unfounded. I think this guy looks the part, I just wonder why they cast a similar type right after Tennant. I heard rumors that they were gonna cast the bad guy from Serenity, and think that that would have been a good idea. The pattern has always been to cast opposite from the last Doctor.

1 - grumpy old man
2 - hobo/clown
3 - dashing man of action
4 - eccentric hippy type w/bouts of melancholy
5 - sensitive young man
6 - slightly sinister and deranged
7 - clownish manipulator
8 - Byronesque Romatic
9 - no-nonsense working-class street type
10 - cool school teacher-dandy
11 - ? not sure how they're gonna play him yet

I think this guy could be good, but maybe after another guy's run who could really distance the series from the strong presence of David Tennant. Anyway, with Stephen Moffett at the helm, I have faith that the next series will be solid and my reservations will be proven wrong.

I think way too much about this stuff.

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